Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Deprived - Focus Group Written Feedback

Here along with the video feedback we have the written responses from the questionnaires I created previously in order to have another platform of response other than the video. We discovered that we managed to pretty accurately target the audience we wanted, and managed to create a trailer that hit all the genre specific themes we wanted like apocalyptic, physiological thriller and even hints of horror to which I am pleased about. We also managed to successfully create a sense of mystery in the trailer as when asked the question was the narrative easy to understand people gave answers ranging from understandable and slightly confusing to definitely and even some in the confusing area. We also found the result that the majority would go and see the full length feature film if it were released! Although we did get two saying no, but this was expected as we had a wide range of people in the group, of different genders, interests and likes. Overall the results from both the video and this written are very pleasing and I am happy with the way people perceived the trailer and made links to themes and ideas we wanted from the start.

The Deprived - Focus Group

Here is the verbal responses we as a group received on our trailer from the focus group, we learnt some good points and also found some improvements that we could make to our trailer. Overall I am pleased with the feed back from the group and it has proved very constructive and interesting.

"The Deprived" - Official Trailer 2015