Sunday 29 March 2015

Editing My Poster Photo - Photoshop

 Here is the original image I took while shooting up the mountain side, with me in the foreground clutching the map and ax in hand. I was happy with the layout and composition of the image as it is what I aimed for in the first place. The background shows a derelict cottage surrounded by woodland and field, to give the sense of  its rural location and loneliness. But I wanted to edit the image as it was too light and did not present the narrative correctly as it needed to be darker and more sinister looking.

I edited the photo using Photoshop CS6 to lower the vibrancy, contrast and brightness of the picture. Weather this will be the final edit I am sure it will not but this gives an idea of what I am aiming for.

I also began to experiment with the paint and shadowing tools as I wanted to make the character of Adam look more beaten up. So I gave him a scar on his arm with blood coming from it, which also covers the map of Wormwood that he is holding. I think, although I only have amateur experience with the program I have done this to a pretty decent level so that it looks almost if not real.

Final Billing Block, Production logos for Trailer

 Here we have our final Billing block containing all the most important people and areas that have contributed to the final product of the Trailer "The Deprived". To create a sense of symetry in my work I decided to use similar or identical fonts and colour schemes to what I plan to and have used in my other products like my poster and magazine front cover. Also, as seen in the main font "Dead Kansas" it gives a very gritty amlost warn look to the text which links back to the themes in the trailers Narrative and the Stroy, as being set in a post- apocalyptic environment
 Here we have the studio in which Our company works beside for the production "FOEHAMMER ENT." we created this as in a lot of modern productions companies partner up so they can have a variety of skills in areas and extra help and guidance with the production, and so we created FoeHammer, which its name suggests something pretty sinister itself, linking into the thriller aspect of our narrative. Which the dark red font only emphasises.
Finally we have our production company "FORSAKENSKIES" this was, at the start a runner up idea for our narratives title but decided upon the deprived as it fits the themes and story we wanted to tell better. But I still liked the name, and so decided it would make a good production company name as it gives of strong themes of darkess and depravity, shown in the eclippse, depriving light from the sun, leaving everything in darkness.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Prop Making - testing realistic fake blood for trailer

This was to use on the characters and on some of the props like weapons etc, in which I used a mixture of red and blue dies, with paints and even some coffee and tea to make it grainy.

Soundtrack Ideas - THE DEPRIVED

This was composed by myself as an initial idea that we could use for our Trailer Soundtrack, it was highly inspired by the RPG "The Last Of US" as the game shares many themes of survival, isolation, fear and natural instinct with our movie idea. The recording quality is not the best and it is not completely accurately played but this is a basic idea.