Sunday 29 March 2015

Editing My Poster Photo - Photoshop

 Here is the original image I took while shooting up the mountain side, with me in the foreground clutching the map and ax in hand. I was happy with the layout and composition of the image as it is what I aimed for in the first place. The background shows a derelict cottage surrounded by woodland and field, to give the sense of  its rural location and loneliness. But I wanted to edit the image as it was too light and did not present the narrative correctly as it needed to be darker and more sinister looking.

I edited the photo using Photoshop CS6 to lower the vibrancy, contrast and brightness of the picture. Weather this will be the final edit I am sure it will not but this gives an idea of what I am aiming for.

I also began to experiment with the paint and shadowing tools as I wanted to make the character of Adam look more beaten up. So I gave him a scar on his arm with blood coming from it, which also covers the map of Wormwood that he is holding. I think, although I only have amateur experience with the program I have done this to a pretty decent level so that it looks almost if not real.

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