Sunday 26 April 2015

Focus Group Questionnaire - "The Deprived" Official Trailer

The Deprived Focus Group Questionnaire

1. After watching the trailer what audience age range do you think the trailer targets?
A) 12 – 18 years
B) 15 – 20 years
C) 18- 25 years
D) 20- 30 years

2. What genre of film would you classify this trailer to be?
A) Action.
B) Post-Apocalyptic.
C) Supernatural.
D) Horror.
E) Psychological Thriller.

3. In the space provided can you specify three reasons for the genre you have chosen? (This can be from anything , from dialogue or key images to sounds.)

4. Can you briefly describe three camera shots that stood out to you most, or you found where most memorable to you?

5. What gender do you think this trailer predominantly targets?
A) Female.
B) Male.
C) Both.

6a) Do you think the narrative of the trailer is clear and easy to understand?
A) Yes.
B) Slightly confusing at times but understandable.
C) Confusing but I get a very general idea.
D) I don’t really have a clue.

6b. Can you roughly predict the story line from the trailer? (In the space provided)

7. Does this particular trailer appeal to you? Would you go to the cinema and see the film?
A) Yes.
B) Maybe.
C) Probably not.
D) No.

8) Do you think the visuals and the soundtrack of the trailer complement each other?
A) Definitely.
B) Mostly.
C) Not really.
D) No.

9) What improvements do you think we should make to our trailer? (In space provided)

Thank you for your feedback! If you want to make any further comments please use the space below!

This will be the written response form that will be filled out by our 10 members of the focus group. I have tried to make it short as to not bore them but still cover a wide area of questions that me and my group will find helpful to improving our final product.

Friday 24 April 2015

The deprived trailer... Near completion, trailer snippet

This will be one of our last edits for the OFFICIAL TRAILER, this is post focus group and any feedback from our class so further versions may be uploaded soon but this is near completion and if anything only little changes will be made order to make a better product, I am very happy with how it has turned out so far and here is a small snippet of the first minute of the trailer... As blogger wont let me upload anymore at this time, but you get a sense of the ideas and effort put into it


I think this will be my last edit of my poster as I have added a lot of the improvements from my last post and I think it looks very eye catching and memorable. The addition of the red/ purple sky the birds and the hanging man in the tree I think brings it all together, and overall I am happy with the way it turned out as it is very close to what I pictured it to be when drafting.

REEL VIEW - magazine update

Here is where I am so far with the magazine cover. All the content that I want is now on here including the main image of the actor playing the antagonist of the Deprived, I will tinker with the colors and spacing's of the content, but for now I have gotten as far as getting all my content, maybe another update or two to come till I think it is done.

Monday 20 April 2015

Start of Film Magazine cover - REEL VIEW -

This is my magazine cover so far, it now has the majority of content that I want on my cover apart from of course the main image, which I will add in and adjust the version to. This was heavily inspired by a EMPIRE cover I analysed, which you can probably see through the masthead and the slanted splash it correlates to the mad max issue.

Thursday 16 April 2015

First Draft of The Deprived final poster

After getting feedback from my Media class, friends and my teacher, I decided this would need a lot of changes to achieve a higher quality of product. The point was made that apart from the character the rest did not really represent the genre of the film and it was too picturesque, so I have decided in my next draft I will have hopefully changed the color of the sky to either a more grey color or more red, for pathetic fallacy. Also I need more of a sense of death so the audience can get a glimps of what the movie will entail. Apart from that, and some color adjustments to the fonts I am not far of what I wanted originally.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Film Magazine Cover Analysis - MAD MAX

Empire Magazine is one of the UK's most well known and circulated magazines that Bauer publish es. With an estimated circulation of around 150,000 in the UK, the quality and content is not easily matched by its rival products. I particularly like Empires publications because of the design and layout, which I would hope I can achieve in my own Film Magazine cover.

As the viewer looking at the magazine for the first time, the first thing we see is the main image, it is the most prominent aspect of the cover, layering over the Masthead of the magazine to draw even more attention to it. This is quite a common convention of such labels as Empire or total film, to draw the reader in further.

Empire tends to, as shown in this issue, follow a certain color scheme and layout in each of its publications. As we can see the three main colors are red, black and white which cover the spectrum of dark medium and light, making for a more contracted design. Also the color red works well with this publication because of the reds oranges and browns in the main image, as seen in the desert dunes. To disrupt the square layout the splash has been tilted at an angle with the base color being red with white and black writing over the top to mark it as another main point of interest.

When I first saw this cover I made the link that Empire is sort of the Q magazine of the film industry, I found it gives a similar impression of  class and prominence in the color schemes and page layout, and how both, in my view are constructed similarly. The page uses a variety of font sizes to draw attention to key areas of the page, in particular the movie title linking to the main image "MAD MAX" is shown on the left hand side of the page and has been elongated to take up more room on the side. The page entices the reader with sub texts such as "The 21 films to see this year" of which almost creates its own header bar as it takes up the full length of the page. Other methods include using words such as "Exclusive" and "Discovered" giving the reader a sense of membership and exclusivity. They are able to access information not publicized anywhere else making them more informed than those who don't read the magazine, and quenching their thirst for up to date knowledge.