Thursday 27 November 2014

Audience profile - Mood board

 Audience Profile
For my motion picture, "The Deprived" I am aiming to target a specific audience, that will find my film to fulfils their needs in entertainment.
My audience will be prodominantly avid movie buffs who watch a range of genres as they have a wide apreciation for film and cinema, and enjoy, above most things, going to the pictures with friends to watch a new, or remastered release. They find a good film to be one that can build atmosphere and hold an erra of mystery to the plot or narrative. They are more interested in the narrative of a movie than the cheaper thrills of jump scares or, not so cheap thrills of choreographed explosions and epic battles. They may also be viewed as prosumers, as they enjoy breaking the boundaries of consuming, usually on an amature level, such as making their own short movie for Youtube, or writing their own narratives, and creating origional ideas fom nothing.
I am planning to target and Audience of 18 - 25 year olds as my movie contains some graphic and or, disturbing visuals, that only people of a certain age can apreciate as more than just violence or horror, but as a way of creating panic and atmosphere in the narrative, for which I believe the audience demographic fits the best. Due to the darker themes of death and violence it is also aimed more at the male audience as they may find or enjoyment in these key themes.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Stryboard Animatic ideas

Here is another shot we took on location, to show the character hiding behind a wall as the gang, in the background search the area, just a rough idea but I though it would be effective if we composed it correctly
Just to give an idea of another shot, showing the two boys, or a character walking through the wasteland.

Poster analysis - The Book of Eli

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Locations exploration - and anamatic shots

I managed to find a location of an old abandoned house that had recently been burnt down, the structure left looked safe and stable enough to enter so I took some pictures as this could be used as a location for one of the trailer scenes. Some of these shots we will use in our animatic of the story board, some just environmental and others of characters . 
I wanted to get a shot in the trailer to show how nature is slowly taking over once more, from man made buildings and constructions. So a still shot like this showing the over growing of plants swaying in the wind I think can represent this well.

Monday 17 November 2014

Film Plot - The Deprived (Extended, in depth version)

The Deprived – Movie Plot (In Depth)

The setting is a post-apocalyptic world where all known common law and political systems have fallen into disarray. Riots formed in the cities, food became scarce, and soon it became kill or be killed. We begin the story following a young boy called Adam, at only 17 he has been traveling the wastes alone, heading south as the days grow colder and darker. After searching a farmhouse for supplies he is taken by surprise by a local gang who knock him out, place a sack over his head, and drag him away. He begins to regain consciousness outside what appears to him as an old industrial complex. All he sees is the sky above him through the gaps in the stitching and the muffling of voices around him. Eventually a voice cracks from the side to line them all up. This is where the story begins.

After a few second Adam hears footsteps in front of him that stop abruptly. Again after a long pause he is blinded by a sudden flash of light as the sack is pulled of his head and a tall silhouette stands before him. He leans in close looking into Adams eyes. He orders his men to throw him in with the others, and he is taken into the rusted maze of steel and iron. He is dragged into a dark, cold room where he is strapped to a pipe by his hands. Looking around him his eyes begin to adjust to the light and he sees the others, all like him tied up against the walls. Blood running from their heads, all a variety of ages, but all male. One by one they are dragged from the room by their hair kicking and screaming. The screams, one by one soon abruptly stopped. And again the same dark figure would enter the room picking his next victim, with more and more blood covering his dark skin and rusted machete each time. Until but Adam and another young boy remained. As the door again screeched open, the figure approached Adam, cutting his binds and grabbing his hair… before he could drag him clear the wall Adam is released and he hears shouting and scuffled movement of feet behind him. He turns to see the young boy, binds around the figures neck strangling him, until his body lies motionless on the damp ground.

The two decide to stick together and sneak out of the site, avoiding guards and taking what supplies they could find of their own. They come across a map with a combat knife dug through it on a table. As Adam runs out the door jack quickly grabs it and follows. They run into the nearby woods where they are safer, they wander through the woods till they find a small derelict cottage on the side of a mountain where they decide to make camp as the light begins to fade. Setting down their rucksacks and making a small fire, the both sit back against the stone walls of the crumbling house in silence, staring into the fire. The older boy introduces himself to Adam, “I’m Jack by the way” and Adam does the same. After a silence Jack askes where Adam is heading and the pair begin to talk of their journeys, Adam more open than Jack, who keeps most of his history to himself. To which Adam respects, people have no good history after the blackout, everyone just went insane, and those who didn’t either ended up dead in the street, or wandering the wastes for, well, anything.

Jack pulls out the dirty map from his pocket showing Adam, the map is covered in scribbles and markings. The two decide they would stick together until they find enough supplies to be on their way alone once more, “Strength in numbers” jack mumbles. The next morning the two set of together. Thinking maybe one of these markings on the map indicated a gang supply dump or something that would help their situation.


They travel the overgrown landscape together, scavenging abandoned houses for food and shelter. They come across Items and places that remind them of what life was like before, and how simple it was. Many of the houses and buildings they search, they find people dead, that have opted out, either shooting themselves or hanging them and their families. One house in particular they enter is still inhabited, and a middle aged man takes Adam at knife point, obviously terrified the man eventually releases Adam, to which jack responds by brutally stabbing the man in the chest. Arguments break out between the pair on their differing views and morals in situations, and tensions begin to build. Eventually we learn that Jack had a younger brother called Michael, who was around Adams age. One night, as Jack and Michael lived alone, Jack was out scavenging. Only to come back to his secluded farmhouse to find his little brother is missing and a trail of blood leading into the woods. Ever since Jack had promised himself he would find his brother no matter what, and convinced himself that he was still alive. He also shares that his parents Hung themselves from the tree outside his window only a few weeks after the blackout, leaving him and Michael alone to fend for themselves.

Eventually the two find one of the markings on the map, Jack runs in, with excitement for what he may find. Adam enters more cautiously and is hit by a smell that cuts through him. He finds jack stood in the centre of the room, empty, apart from a floor submerged in pile upon pile of torn and ragged clothes and dried blood. Jack becomes angry and begins kicking and throwing his fists at the lack of supplies. But he suddenly stops. Crouching down facing away from Adam he picks up a child’s watch from the ground, it was his brothers. He never took it of ever since he had it for Christmas when he was eight years old. Jacks eyes well up and he stands shouting for his brother. “Michael!! MICHAEL!” Adam tries to calm Jack down but is hit with Jacks anger and frustration as jack tells him to leave him alone. The gang perusing them hears the shouting and goes to investigate. Adam spots a trail of blood leading under and old bookcase, he follows it, pushing it out the way to reveal a door way. Leading into a basement. Where he finds a room with a large metal door at the far end, with a “caution, Extreme temperatures, Freezer” on the door, the ground around it covered in pieces of flesh and fresh blood. And old wooden table sits to the centre with an assault rifle and ammo surrounding it, inspecting the rifle he finds a note on the floor, it reads.

“Right we are running low on ammo, so use whatever else you can find to kill em, we can’t spare any more. Me and the boys never did like eating around the shrapnel anyway” …”Cannibals”. Adam murmurs to himself, shocked and discussed at what he had just read… “We need to leave now” Jack enters the room, with desperation still in his eyes. “What is it… what does it say!?” Adam is reluctant to give him the note but jack snatches it from his hands. Reading it carefully. As he reads the anger and frustration builds in his eyes, tears begin to stream down his emotionless face. And he drops the note.” Jack please, wait” Jack pushes past Adam throwing him aside. Hearing the rabble of the gang outside, he picks up the assault rifle and cocks it. Adam tries to grab it of him but Jack hits him over the head with the butt of the gun, and Adam lays motionless on the floor. Blind fury fills his eyes and he walks with gun in hand up the stairs and out the front door, where he is greeted by a line of red eyed twitching men, all with blunt weapons and machetes in hand. They snort and snarl at the sight of the boy, and with the order of their ranking member “Get him!” they charge at Jack. With no hesitation, and a dead, motionless expression, he lifts his automatic and unloads the whole magazine into the 11 men, and the air is filled with a mist of pink blood, as the body’s hit the concrete, and the echo of gunfire shuttles through the valley. And everything turns silent.

Adam regains consciousness, the ground around him is damp, and he realises he is in the centre of a field with his hands binded behind his back. And he feels the cold steel of the gun barrel slowly rest against his forehead. “Jack?” “Jack listen to me please… Everything is going to be okay we can still find him” again he repeats, slower and more calm “Everything is going to be okay” There is a long held pause and the sound of wind in the trees and the grass swaying fills the air. Jack, in a quiet, almost whisper of a voice murmurs. “Nothing is ever going to be okay.” He lifts his rifle into his own mouth, pausing for a second, and fires, and his lifeless corpse hits the soft grass, as birds flee and squawk around the field. And once more the sound of wind fills the air.

Film Plot - The Deprived

The story follows two teenage boys in a post-apocalyptic rural wasteland, struggling to survive and scavenge for supplies. All the Earth’s natural resources have been depleted, and the world drove itself into chaos, mass shootings, riots, looting. All signs of any political system have faded, and law is no longer. It is kill or be killed.

  Adam a 17 year old boy, and Jack, a 19 year old man meet through unfortunate circumstances of being captured by a Gang of savages. They manage to escape, steeling supplies and a map with strange markings and scribbles all over it. They decide to stick together and pursue the strange markings on the map, hoping to find supplies or anything to help them.  On their journey we witness situations that will test the two boys, and see them show their differences in morals and conflicting personalities. Meanwhile the gang are perusing them as they have possession of a map, that to them is very valuable, unknown to this the boys journey onward, discovering more about each other, and also coming across things that reminded them of what life was  before.

 Adam being a shy, social recluse talks a lot less than Jack, but is willing to share more about his past, and is very upfront about it, Whereas Jack seems to show more confidence yet it very reluctant to share his past with Adam, but eventually he tells him of his younger brother who was kidnapped in the night when Jack was hunting. And that he had been hopelessly trying to track him down ever since, even though deep down he knows there is little chance of finding his brother Michael, it was all he had left, and it is what was keeping him alive. Eventually the two come across one of the markings on the map. They Explore inside and find a rooms with the floors completely covered in torn, bloody clothes, men, women, and children’s clothes. Jack discovers his brothers watch smashed on the floor, sending him into a fury of anger and desperation. Believing he is nearby he shots his name. Nearby the gang hear the screams and investigate. Adam spots a trail of blood leading under a doorway and down into a dark basement, where a note he finds on a table covered in blood tells him of how the house is where they take the bodies for the cop. And suggesting the gangs cannibalistic nature. Jack still hopeful follows Adam into the room… reading the note “This time carve em up real good, we are running low on ammo now so use what you have to deal with em, never did like eating round shrapnel anyway” – (note to demonic) Jack brakes down, and turns to hysterics. Adam tries to comfort him but he punches him throwing him down on the ground. Hearing the rabble of the gang members approaching from upstairs he picks up a loaded Aka 47 from the table, his body and arms limp, he loosely carries the gun up the stairs, where he meets the gang as he steps out the front door. They stand there in a line, with bats and knives in hand.

With tears in his eyes, but with his face showing no emotion he throws up the automatic rifle and cuts the line of men down. And a pink mist fills the cold misty air…

He finds Adam knocked out on the floor and drags him out of the house into a field where he lays him down on his side. As Adam regains consciousness he feels the cold hard metal of the Aka’s barrel against the side of his forehead. Everything is silent, all that can be hear is the wind in the trees and the swaying of grass. Adam, not moving, slowly begins to try and reassure jack, that maybe his brother escaped, and that “everything is going to be okay.” Again there is a long silence, as Jack replies in a soft, tearful, almost whisper of a voice. “Nothing is ever going to be okay”. He suddenly raises the rifle placing it into his mouth and fires. The gunshot echoes through the valley. And birds squawk and flee.