Monday 17 November 2014

Film Plot - The Deprived

The story follows two teenage boys in a post-apocalyptic rural wasteland, struggling to survive and scavenge for supplies. All the Earth’s natural resources have been depleted, and the world drove itself into chaos, mass shootings, riots, looting. All signs of any political system have faded, and law is no longer. It is kill or be killed.

  Adam a 17 year old boy, and Jack, a 19 year old man meet through unfortunate circumstances of being captured by a Gang of savages. They manage to escape, steeling supplies and a map with strange markings and scribbles all over it. They decide to stick together and pursue the strange markings on the map, hoping to find supplies or anything to help them.  On their journey we witness situations that will test the two boys, and see them show their differences in morals and conflicting personalities. Meanwhile the gang are perusing them as they have possession of a map, that to them is very valuable, unknown to this the boys journey onward, discovering more about each other, and also coming across things that reminded them of what life was  before.

 Adam being a shy, social recluse talks a lot less than Jack, but is willing to share more about his past, and is very upfront about it, Whereas Jack seems to show more confidence yet it very reluctant to share his past with Adam, but eventually he tells him of his younger brother who was kidnapped in the night when Jack was hunting. And that he had been hopelessly trying to track him down ever since, even though deep down he knows there is little chance of finding his brother Michael, it was all he had left, and it is what was keeping him alive. Eventually the two come across one of the markings on the map. They Explore inside and find a rooms with the floors completely covered in torn, bloody clothes, men, women, and children’s clothes. Jack discovers his brothers watch smashed on the floor, sending him into a fury of anger and desperation. Believing he is nearby he shots his name. Nearby the gang hear the screams and investigate. Adam spots a trail of blood leading under a doorway and down into a dark basement, where a note he finds on a table covered in blood tells him of how the house is where they take the bodies for the cop. And suggesting the gangs cannibalistic nature. Jack still hopeful follows Adam into the room… reading the note “This time carve em up real good, we are running low on ammo now so use what you have to deal with em, never did like eating round shrapnel anyway” – (note to demonic) Jack brakes down, and turns to hysterics. Adam tries to comfort him but he punches him throwing him down on the ground. Hearing the rabble of the gang members approaching from upstairs he picks up a loaded Aka 47 from the table, his body and arms limp, he loosely carries the gun up the stairs, where he meets the gang as he steps out the front door. They stand there in a line, with bats and knives in hand.

With tears in his eyes, but with his face showing no emotion he throws up the automatic rifle and cuts the line of men down. And a pink mist fills the cold misty air…

He finds Adam knocked out on the floor and drags him out of the house into a field where he lays him down on his side. As Adam regains consciousness he feels the cold hard metal of the Aka’s barrel against the side of his forehead. Everything is silent, all that can be hear is the wind in the trees and the swaying of grass. Adam, not moving, slowly begins to try and reassure jack, that maybe his brother escaped, and that “everything is going to be okay.” Again there is a long silence, as Jack replies in a soft, tearful, almost whisper of a voice. “Nothing is ever going to be okay”. He suddenly raises the rifle placing it into his mouth and fires. The gunshot echoes through the valley. And birds squawk and flee.

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