Thursday 27 November 2014

Audience profile - Mood board

 Audience Profile
For my motion picture, "The Deprived" I am aiming to target a specific audience, that will find my film to fulfils their needs in entertainment.
My audience will be prodominantly avid movie buffs who watch a range of genres as they have a wide apreciation for film and cinema, and enjoy, above most things, going to the pictures with friends to watch a new, or remastered release. They find a good film to be one that can build atmosphere and hold an erra of mystery to the plot or narrative. They are more interested in the narrative of a movie than the cheaper thrills of jump scares or, not so cheap thrills of choreographed explosions and epic battles. They may also be viewed as prosumers, as they enjoy breaking the boundaries of consuming, usually on an amature level, such as making their own short movie for Youtube, or writing their own narratives, and creating origional ideas fom nothing.
I am planning to target and Audience of 18 - 25 year olds as my movie contains some graphic and or, disturbing visuals, that only people of a certain age can apreciate as more than just violence or horror, but as a way of creating panic and atmosphere in the narrative, for which I believe the audience demographic fits the best. Due to the darker themes of death and violence it is also aimed more at the male audience as they may find or enjoyment in these key themes.

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