Tuesday 2 December 2014

Actors, Locations and Props

The two leading rols of Jack and Adam, who play the two teenaged boys will be played by myself, William Kearse and a fellow student Robert King. Me playing the younger boy Adam, and Rob playing the older, more agressive Jack. As for the rest of the cast, consisting of gang members, A gang leader, and other wanderers. These will be played by other members in the group, Toby Howell, Lloyd Pocknell and Charlotte Parfitt. the gang leader being played by either Toby or Charlotte, as of yet is undecided. For extras and gang members I have managed to find a few people that are willing to take there time out tohelp with the trailer, mostly close friends. Will be uploading a full character profile for the two main boys, with images of actors.

I have identified and visited many of the locations in which me and my group will be shooting at, these area are public and more often out in rural areas so any permission to enter or film in these area should not be needed. One of our main locations is up the side of the Blorange Mountain, overlooking Abergavenny. This is where we have found an abandoned farm house in which we can shoot a lot of our scenes. We have also explored the woods to the east of Abergavenny and found a number or deralict stone houses in which we can film. Most of our other locations will be on quiet roads as our film depicts a journey.


At this point I have started to collect the props we need, such as clothing for the actors, bags, wepons etc. Also rubbish, as we need it to create a better Mise en Scene of our locations.

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