Tuesday 16 December 2014

Questionnaire - film trailer

Film Trailer Questionnaire


1.    How old are you?

A: 16-21

B: 22-27

C: 28-33

D: 34-39

E: 40+


2.    What gender are you?

A: Male

B: Female


3.    Do you like the post-apocalyptic film genre?

A: Yes

B: No

C: Not sure

(If you crossed the box entitled “No” please specify why)
4.    Do you like the survival film genre?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Not sure
(If you crossed the box entitled “No” please specify why)
5.    Cross one of the following film titles which you prefer
A: “Forsaken Skies”
B: “Devolution”
C: “The Deprived”
D: “7:13”
E: “Wormwood”
6.    Which of the following aspects do you most enjoy in a post-apocalyptic film?
A: Fast paced action
B: Suspenseful sequences
C: An over-powering soundtrack
D: Character development
E: I don’t know
F: Other (please specify)
7.    Which of the following settings do you think would best suit a post-apocalyptic film?
A: Ruin down factories and houses            
B: In the forest
8.    Out of the following lengths, how long would you prefer a trailer to be?
A: 1:30
B: 1:45
C: 2:00
D: 2:01+
E: It doesn’t bother me

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