Thursday 4 December 2014

Children of Men - Trailer analysis

The Genre

Dystopian Survival - Which focuses and is defined as a society characterized by a focus on negative societies such as mass poverty, suffering, oppression that has been brought to light by society itself. We can tell the genre because of the narrative, the problem faced by the world as a society is mass infertility, to the point where populations are decreasing. Due to possibilities like pollution, and human DNA engineering which is heard in the dialogue of the trailer. We can also tell it is a survival as they are being hunted by the authorities and the public, trying to kill them, as they journey to the human project on the coast.

The Narrative

Set in 2027, when civilization has succumb to Infertile in the female population, no children have been born for the past 18 years and science is at a loss to the cause, or indeed any sort of cure. Lower economically developed nations like that of some African, and Eastern European countries, have collapsed due to their dwindling populations, forcing them to migrate to richer counties like the UK. In the middle of the nationalistic violence on the streets and rioting between authority and rebels, a London peace activist, turned bureaucrat, is forced to team up with his revolutionary ex wife. As she needs someone she could trust in the protection of a valuable piece of cargo. A young woman, who is pregnant, needs transportation to the coast where they can give her to a human project who will keep her safe. All hope for the future of humanity rests in their hands, as a shrinking population grows ever older.


Diegetic voice over is heard at the star of main character Theo, the sound is asynchronous as it is carried through a variety of shots of him and others. He talks about the situation of the world,"All Hope is lost" and "Since women stopped having babies" to give the view a sense of narrative, to make the visuals of him in a riot more understandable. This voice over dominance continues throughout, switching to different characters who share their own views and situations. The soundtrack is split into two parts, the first at the start is played by string, with high and low pitches fluctuating, creating a sound of suspense and mystery, which is combined with the voice over to give a very negative feel. The second part at the end is completely different, now focusing on more positive outlooks and how they are planning to save the girl who is pregnant, we hear a orchestral piece with smoother note transitions, giving a more hopeful atmosphere to the trailer.

Code of Enigma

The trailer brings up many questions, of course there is what is the final outcome of the movie? but also how did it end up in this situation? Why and how is this woman the only pregnant one in the world? Why are women infertile? All make the trailer a more successful form of product aadvertisement as the chances of a view being generate are a lot higher when there is an effective code of enigma.

typical Shots/ Camera

The trailer uses well and often a series of tracking shots following the main character of Theo, Him running through crows and just generally walking. This is used to show his journey through the narrative and how we are following his journey, and the people associated with him. Also conventional for a trailer is the use of fade ins and and outs to create a sense of pace. which is reduced as the trailer builds in pace and instead uses cutting to achieve this

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