Tuesday 2 December 2014

Props - Adam

As Adam is a teenager of 17, he will show this through items of clothing that normally you would see young people wearing, such as Hoodies, for this I have found him a faded scruffy looking one, that after a bit of editing, ripping sowing, should look really good under his main coat.

He will be wearing a pair of grey faded, muddy jeans that have rips and tears down them and maybe a bloody bandage tied around one leg.

Over his jumper he will be wearing a large coat, slightly bigger than him, to give an idea that maybe it could have been his fathers or just one he scavenged, I want to sow patches of cloth in area on the coat to make it look more makeshift and worn, which applies for the majority of clothes any of the cast will be wearing. Also blood and dirt will be applied to mimic the bleak and deadly environment.

To fit with the environment, and to show that he does have some common sense he will be wearing worn scruffy walking boots. As they are in a rural area they need as much comfort and traction they need to walking boots will be seen on both characters.

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